Worst of Hors D' Scopes 2003 By:
The Mysterious, All-Seeing Big Brown Eye of Sarcastio (Your Horoscopic Punnisher and All-Around Mean-Spirited Oracle)
Aviaries: You'll
probably be busy, but not very popular. Find some honey to pollinate and kick
back for the weekend. (July) Minotaurus: Your legendary
bull-headedness will amaze people this month. But though you're
bossy and not very neat, your human side will come through in the end. (October) Gremlini: This month
offers you plenty of troublemaking, but it's all in good fun. Stay away from
water and be sure to stay clear of little old salesmen. (July) Canvasser: Many doors
will close for you as you enter your autumn. Despite this, put your best foot
forward and knock on wood, as life is ready to give you a grand slam.
(October) Librarian: The story of
this month unfolds uneventfully for our poor librarian. Don't be afraid to turn
a new leaf and enter a new chapter in your life. Will it be a better life?
Well, that's another story. (August) Viagro: Good
for you! You're finally up and coming after a long time with your head down.
But be warned: things can peter out just as quickly as they came. (July) Oleo: You spread
yourself too thin this month, effecting close
relationships. You will find someone to loaf around with - but don't fool
yourself - you're just a substitute until they find
someone butter. (October) Sachetarius: You've got it all in the bag this month.
Though many will find you incensitive, you'll manage to turn around this dirty
laundry and come out smelling like roses. (August) Caspercorn: Though you are simply acting in good
spirits, your comic behaviour as of late is more worthy of the obituaries than
of the funny pages. (October) Antiquarius: You
settle down, getting loaded and gathering dust. But don't let this slip distress
you. Get on the ball, and claw your way up the ladder, back into shape, and
finish the rest of life's silver plate. (October) (Pisces had no
future last month, so here's two!) Pixies: Your
mischievous ways infuriate those believers with whom you tinker. Bellwether or
not, your power will peter out, and your plans won't pan out. Not a happy
thought. (October) Fishies: Beware of men
with big rods and tall stories. They'll have something that'll get to you hook,
line and sinker. (July)
September 2003 October 2003 November 2003 The Worst of Hors D'Scopes 2003